Police costumes let kids and adults step into a fun, new career. Dressing your baby up as a heroic police officer or start some laughs as a Reno 911 officer. Police costumes include sexy cops, police shirts, buntings, and SWAT Team uniforms for kids, allowing anyone to put on a badge and keep order. Uphold the law this year by bringing a cop to the party. Great for school events and Halloween parties, a police costume creates shock value when you step into the role of officer.
Be creative with couples themes, and pair cops with convicts. Keep your prisoner close and make sure they obey the law! Chase that suspect as they try and escape and use your handcuffs to keep them close.
Police costumes are as popular at Halloween as they are year round. From kids to adult, this selection is for anyone who wants to enforce the law this Halloween. Look official and in control with police badges, cop hats, small clubs, and handcuffs. Play good cop / bad cop or enjoy a fun control game as uniformed officer and convict. Fun variations include the SWAT Team, Dog and Beth the Bounty Hunter, corrections officers, Reno 911, and cowboy sheriffs.
Sexy Cop Costumes